Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Christian Values

In the past several weeks I have read article after article about how Democrats just don’t get it. Most of these articles are referring to Christianity and its place in politics. On one level I agree. Democrats have become increasingly bad at selling their Christian values as such. Democrats don’t get their moral message out in a clear way so that Christians realize they are Christian values. The people of America have become used to people telling them what to believe. Americans are much more likely to believe someone is a Christian if that person says it several times, preferably in short sound-bites. Americans don’t like to be bothered with looking at the actions of individuals and deducing their own opinion. It is much easier to just be told who is right and what is best for us. Democrats definitely have not caught on to this yet. Republicans, however, have made an art of exploiting it.

Before I continue I must first explain my background. I was raised a Republican. My entire family of origin continues to vote Republican regardless of the candidate or issue. I was also raised a Christian. I continue to go to church every Sunday as well as participate in Bible studies and committees in the church. My husband is a seminary student therefore I will someday likely be a minister’s wife. That being said, I vote for issues and candidates, not a single party or issue. I vote using my values and morals as a guide, many of which I developed in church. I consider myself an independent, not a Republican. Actually I increasingly align myself with the Democrats and yes, that word…liberals. You see I believe that as much as the Democrats don’t “get it” when it comes to proclaiming their Christianity; Republicans don’t get Christianity itself. At least not the Republicans I see on the news all the time.

Sit down and list the things Jesus taught us as documented in the Bible. Read the book of Mathew. Look at Jesus’ views on poverty, peace, conflict, capital punishment, the rich, healing the sick, excluding individuals or groups from society. Do any of Jesus’ teachings match the current policies of the GOP? Are any of these values set forth by Jesus Christ evident in the policies set forth by the current President? President Bush says love the Lord your God but leaves off the love your neighbor as yourself. Can we have one without the other? I don’t believe we can or should.

Christians are told that all humans were created in God’s image. God is not a Republican or a Democrat or even an American. God loves George Bush and Osama Bin Ladin. He loves Americans and Iraqis. He loves the people of Great Britain and Poland and Russia and Iran. Americans are not God’s chosen people just as members of Al Queda are not God’s chosen people. Jesus never once said blessed are the peacemakers, unless you don’t agree with the politics of another nation. God never said, don’t kill unless popular opinion says you need to get revenge on someone and you can’t find the right guy. My husband was in the first Gulf War so as you can imagine I’m all for patriotism and supporting our troops. As Christians, however, can’t we support our troops without supporting a war that is wrong? Can we stand in protest against killing 100,000 innocent people and thousands of our own soldiers and still be patriotic Americans? I suggest that as Christians we are called to serve God first, then our country.

I know you are asking, “What about abortion?” I do believe that abortion and homosexuality are actions of which God does not approve. I believe also, that Jesus Christ would not approve of how Christians have made legislating against these issues our only goal to the detriment of all other teachings. Jesus actually spoke against the Pharisees because they, too, focused only on the law but not on the “big picture.” Repeatedly Jesus implores His people to stop following the laws of men although they were created to honor God. He told the disciples to go in love to the sinners and the outcasts. He did not teach them to make and enforce laws to prevent sin. Jesus asks us to show His light to everyone in Christian love, not hate. It is only through Christian love and resources made available through Christian policies (such as more jobs, higher pay and health care) that abortion will truly cease. The rate of abortion actually increases as unemployment in America increases. Abortion rates were at their lowest during the Clinton years, and at their highest ever during the past 4 years.

One could argue that the President does not have to follow these Christians imperatives because he is, in fact, acting as a politician. The problem, however, is that Mr. Bush has declared his Christianity as a major part of all of his decisions. By embracing the backing of extremist Christians and using this to get votes Bush has made his Presidency an example of Christian decision making. Bush is now our worldwide poster boy for Christian behavior and morals. As such he must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ not just when they are convenient but in all decisions that he makes. If he is going to declare his moral superiority on issues such as abortion then I think he must also lead us in peacemaking, forgiveness and humility. To take the moral high ground on homosexuality he must also then consider the plight of the impoverished, the sick and the forgotten in our country. To claim morality on certain issues and then to act immorally is hypocritical and should not be tolerated by the people of America, especially the Christians. All Christians should unite to force this President into moral actions, not just sound-bites. In the elections to follow I hope that all Christians vote using all of the morals and values espoused in the Bible, not just the few that get a lot of press. It is only through Christian love and caring that Christians will truly make a difference in the politics of the world.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

Jesus' beliefs and actions align more with the Socialist than the Republicans. Actually even more with the Democrats than the Republicans.


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