Comment on today's Christianity
My husband sent me a link to an article in PC USA magazine by Charles March entitled "What it means to be a Christian after George W. Bush." You can link to the article below. You may have noticed I haven't been writing my own stuff on my blog lately. That is because people like this can write what I'm thinking so much better than I can. Finally Christians in America are coming to their senses and realizing that they are Christian first and Americans second. Finally Christians in America are realizing that following the teaching of Jesus should trump party loyalty and national pride. Finally Christians in America are speaking up and taking back their faith from those who have twisted it into something violent and vengeful and sick.
The following is one paragraph in this remarkable article. It highlights that Christians frequently have become misguided in history. Christians have used the Bible to support ideas and beliefs that are actually not supported by the true meaning of the Bible.
March wrote:
"I came of age in the American South in the 1960s, and the moral values shared by most families in the churches of my childhood were deeply interwoven with our culture’s hold on white supremacy. The vigilant and quite often neurotic defense we made of the Southern Way of Life blinded us not only to the sufferings of African-Americans — the victims of our collective self-righteousness — but also to our spiritual arrogance and group pride. We believed that our conception of Christianity and our cherished family values were the most wholesome and pure the world had ever known. Inside this serene delusion, we presumed ourselves to be paragons of virtue, although we rarely lifted a finger to help anyone but our own."
How insightful! This is the perfect example of how our own beliefs and values can be supported by verses in the Bible and by the church when infact they are contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. When we overlook the true meaning of the Bible and simply try to support our own agenda and belief system we will certainly find evidence to back it up but we will lose the true meaning of the word in the long run. Christians have advocated this war for 6 years now stating that we are spiritually better than them. Christians have believed that we are better because we have democracy or we have Jesus or we have values or we have "freedom" and therefore we have virtue. In reality we have no virtue when we worship our country and our flag and our President and ignore our God and His words to us. It truely is the great delusion of our time. Read more by following the link below!
Dear Progressive Christian,
Good morning! I hope the blogsphere's treating you well. *I am writing to gauge your interest in attending a weekend chock full of progressive faith bloggers.* Your experience blogging on Progressive Christian Blogspot would add greatly to an enriching exchange between peers.
The Progressive Faith Blog Con(ference) would be held the first weekend of August '08, organized by an ad-hoc committee of bloggers including including Expatriated Texan, CrossLeft, Institute for Progressive Christianity,, and the RACBlog, among others. We are hoping to build off of the previous conference by putting together a weekend of workshops, networking, panels, and speakers in D.C.. BUT first we need to know that there is sufficient interest. Given the need for a powerful progressive faith voice during this election year, we hope you will be able to join us.
Please reply as soon as possible to let me know, on a scale of 1-5, your likelihood of attending: 1 (no way), 2 (unlikely), 3 (possible), 4 (probable), 5 (definite). Quick stats on the event- held in D.C., 1-2 days, weekend of August 1-3rd, low cost, possible travel subsidies.
Also, if you have any feedback or insights from the last PFBC, questions, additional bloggers to contact or suggestions, feel free to send those along as well. I can be contacted at
Alana Krivo-Kaufman
Jewish Funds For Justice
JFSJ, Intern
Hi Progressive Christian,
I am an administrator of the site We would really appreciate it if you could send us your contact information (like an email address) for information sharing purposes in the future. Thanks!
If you wish, you are more than welcome to spread our new songs and videos around, which come from a new CD release we are offering as a free download off of our website. Any of the songs or videos noted below can be spread around without fear of copyright infringement, as they have been released for free off of our website.
Every song and video on this CD is released as a free download, thus there is no worry about violating copyright; songs and videos may be posted, downloaded and copied on to disc as much as anyone wants.
WHO WOULD JESUS BOMB? - Video - Bush administration corruption and religious wrong agenda
(both song and video released as free download)
BEFORE THEY CARE - video - congressional corruption and religious wrong agenda
(both song and video released as free download)
WHO WOULD JESUS BOMB? - Twenty track CD downloadable for no cost
BROTHER MARTIN - tribute to MLK in light of how things might be better if he were alive today
(both song and video released as free download)
WHERE WERE YOU? - Kennedy/King/Kent State tribute video
(both song and video released as free download)
GOTTA BE A LITTLE BOLD (non-partisan) inspirational
HERE IN AMERICA - 9/11 tribute video (non-partisan)
(both song and video released as free download)
FUTURE - environmental video (non-partisan)
(both song and video released as free download)
HOMELESS - from CD, "Homeless In America"
(both song and video released as free download)
FLY AWAY (non-partisan) inspirational
SLOW TRAIN from CD "Slow Train: Bradley West" (non-partisan)
(both song and video released as free download)
Thank You, Sincerely
Richard Aberdeen
Freedom Tracks Records
615-889-1669 - 800-992-8084
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